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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
High school life is finally over. Shems. Ang sakit pala. It's -what would the British call it?- sacre bleu. Joyce, asan ang tagboard mo? Hindi ko mahanap, naduduling na ako. Or I may have gotten ill due to the fact that my life is never going to be the same again. Footah. I miss my friends. I miss my classmates. I miss him...

Graduation took place three days ago (10th April, 2006) but my mind seemed to have failed to process the idea. However, I remember what took place while the song 'Salamat' played: lots of tears, hugs, kisses... To me, it was horrible... Of course it was! I cried.

I sang while I cried. I laughed. I hugged a lot of fiends- people who I may never see again... People who I may never spend that same chikahan sessions with like I did in the past... People who have accepted me for who I really am and who I'm not... I remember being hugged by Jeric, and I will never forget how I felt at that time... It's the same feeling when I accidentally let go of my kite when I was five... And Monica, my precious friend since grade one... Lee-Anne. Yves. Dennis. Dea. Marz. Ison. Joyce. Yeng. JRay. The long list goes on... God, I never thought I'd lose this much... Now, I realize how much opportunity there was before that I could have made use in spending time with those people who I've left out... People who could have been potential best friends and chikahan buddies had I only as much as tried to befriend... It's too late now.

And yeah... HE hugged me too. I never thought he would. Sharlyn was pushing me in his direction but I was fighting back. Maybe because I've not given him any good memories anyway... or I'm just plain scared. Anyway, he hugged me. I hugged back. And then when he was gone, I cried even harder... because he's gone. Just like that. I don't even remember looking him in the eye. He just came up and hugged me, nothing more nor less. Sigh.

Congratulations, batch 2006 of Mother Goose Special Science High School! This is not the end, but a fresh new beginning for us to enjoy life and meet MORE friends! We'll see each other soon, I'm sure! :)
posted by -==Hannah==- at 2:17 PM

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I just received a package from *e-hem* HIM. It's a beautifully-wrapped pink box with a fuchsia bow to match. I opened it and I was thrilled to see that it was full to the brim with KitKats in three different flavors: Chocolate, White Chocolate, and the Valentine edition Cherry flavor. Yum! Thanks! ^_^

No, no, I'm not talking about Tweety- I'm talking about that someone who genuinely cares for me (yes, believe it or not, someone does). He's five years older than me and he's currently in Singapore for his OJT (I think it's some kind of a training). He just bowed off his Computer Engineering course last year. I miss him, but life goes on... And he's not even my boyfriend (anymore)!

Speaking of love... Sigh, I’m off to college soon but I haven't yet talked to HIM (Tweety) about my feelings... And he's even teasing me, God! He's always going near me because he knows I can't stand him because I like him... I... L O V E... Him...

<--Help me! Leave a comment or a tag!-->
posted by -==Hannah==- at 5:10 AM

I hope I look good in my pic...
-In love!
-A senior high school student.
-An actress.
-A singer.
-A journalist.
-A poet.
-A warfreak.
-A friend.

i LoVe:
*(Fashon) Magazines.
*Baby animals.
*Fairy tales.
*Romance-comedy flicks.
*Horror flicks.
*Harry Potter!
*Daniel Radcliffe.
*The Internet.

WaNtS tO bE fRiEnDs WiTH pEopLe:
#Who are fun-loving.
#Who are MMORPG addicts.
#Who are generous.
#Who are agressive.
#Who are friends.
#Who are loyal.
#Who are true.
#Who are internet freaks.
#Who love books.
#Who are out of place.
#Who need guidance.
#Who need love.

i HaTe
~Exotic food.
~Inconsiderate people.
~Failing grades.
~Not having money.

SoMe NoTeS:
Graduation na! Magkakalimutan ba?

I love Someone, but Someone doesn't love me. Somebody loves me, but I don't love Somebody. Will I ever learn to face the fact that I will be happy in the arms of Somebody because Someone will never ever love me?

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